Poland National Anthem

National Anthems

Polish National Anthem Lyrics


Mazurek Dabrowskiego:


Jeszcze Polska nie zginela,

Kiedy my zyjemy.

Co nam obca przemoc wziela,

Szabla odbierzemy.


Marsz, marsz, Dabrowski,

Z ziemi wloskiej do Polski,

Za twoim przewodem

Zlaczym sie z narodem.

Przejdziem Wisle, przejdziem Warte,

Bedziem Polakami,

Dal nam przyklad Bonaparte,

Jak zwyciezac mamy.


Jak Czarniecki do Poznania

Po szwedzkim zaborze,

Dla ojczyzny ratowania

Wracal sie przez morze.




Dabrowski's Mazurka


Poland has not yet succumbed.

As long as we remain,

What the foe by force has seized,

Sword in hand we'll gain.


March! March, Dabrowski!

March from Italy to Poland!

Under your command

We shall reach our land.

Cross the Vistula and Warta

And Poles we shall be;

We've been shown by Bonaparte

Ways to victory.


As Czarniecki Poznan town regains,

Fighting with the Swede,

To free our fatherland from chains,

We shall return by sea.



Bogurodzica dziewica, Bogiem slawiena Maryja,

U twego syna Gospodzina matko zwolena, Maryja!

Zyszczy nam, spusci nam.


Twego dziel Krzciciela, bozycze,

Uslysz glosy, napeln mysli czlowiecze.

Slysz modlitwe, jaz nosimy,

A dac raczy, jegoz prosimy:

A na swiecie zbozny pobyt,

Po zywocie rajski przebyt.



Mother of God

O Mother of God, Virgin blessed by God, Maria!

With your son, our Lord, O mother chosen, Maria!

Intercede for us, send Him to us.

Kyrie Eleison.

For the sake of thy Baptist, O Son of God,

Hear our voices, grant the wishes of men

Hear the prayer which we offer

And deign to giv what we ask,

On earth a happy sojourn,

And after life to reside in paradise.

Kyrie Eleison.

Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher

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