Russia National Anthem

National Anthems

Russian National Anthem Lyrics

Gimn Rossiiskoi Federatsii
(National Anthem of Russian Federation)

Latin Transliteration

Rossia - sviashennaia nasha derzhava,

Rossia - lubimaia nasha strana!

Moguchaia volia, velikaia slava -

Tvoio dostoianie na vse vremena!


Slavsia, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoe,

Bratskikh narodov soiuz vekovoi,

Predkami dannaia mudrost' narodnaia!

Slavsia, strana! My gordimsia toboi!

Ot yuzhykh morei do poliarnogo kraia

Raskinulis nashi lesa i polia.

Odna ty na svete! Odna ty takaia -

Khranimaia Bogom rodnaia zemlia!


Shirokii prostor dlia mechty i dlia zhizni

Griadushie nam otkryvaiut goda.

Nam silu daiot nasha vernost otchizne.

Tak bylo, tak est' i tak budet vsegda!


Music: Alexandr Alexandrov (1934)

Lyrics: Sergei Mikhalkov (2000)


Verse 1:

Russia is our sacred state,

Russia is our beloved land.

The powerful will and the great glory

Are your properties for all the time.


Long live our Fatherland, land of the free,

The eternal union of brothers nations,

Given by ancestors the people's wisdom!

Long live our land! We are proud of you!

Verse 2:

From the southern seas to the polar lands

Spread are our forests and fields.

You are unique in the world, one of a kind -

This native land protected by God!

Verse 3:

Wide expanse for dreams and for living

Are opened for us by the coming years

Our loyalty to the Fatherland gives us strength.

So it was, so it is, and so it always will be!

Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher

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